Authorization Templates

Authorization page templates can be created through the Account Settings or saved from a report. This video will walk you through how to save a template from within a report and apply one to a report.

Create a Template within a Report

  1. Open any project and open a report for editing.
  2. Navigate to the Authorization page.
  3. Make changes to the different page sections:
    1. Disclaimer - terms or further directions.
    2. Optional Upgrades - add as linked pricelist items or as manual entries.
    3. Product Selections - add up to three (3) fields for your customer to complete at signing. Enter on the left side and your customer will fill in their selections on the right.
    4. Footer Notes - Enter any footer notes you would like visible on the signing page.
  4. Click on Save as template at the bottom of your page and give your template a name. Choose if you want to share this template with your whole team and then click Save.


Offering optional upgrades is a great way to increase your total sale price!
As a best practice, offer a minimum of three (3) upgrades, maximum of five (5).

Apply a Template to a Report

  1. Open any project and open a report for editing.
  2. Navigate to the Authorization page.
  3. Click on view templates.
  4. Find the template you wish to use from either My Templates or Shared Templates and click on the green checkmark to apply that template.
  5. Make any final adjustments to customize the information for your customer. These changes will be automatically saved in your report.