Manual Financing

Add financing options manually to your Financing Library. A manual financing option is where you add your own provider and the plans that they offer to you.

Adding a Manual Financing Plan

Add a Manual Financing Plan

  1. Go to Configuration > Account Settings > Financing
  2. Under the Custom Financing Library header, click Add provider.
  3. Under the Plans heading, be sure to select Home Improvement Plans or Solar Plans depending on the type of plan you are adding.
  4. Add the provider name, logo and the plans you are approved to offer through them.
    1. Add multiple plans per provider by clicking the Add home improvement plan button.
    2. Click on the copy icon to duplicate a plan and make minor changes.
    3. Click on the red trashcan to delete a plan from this provider.
  5. Once your plans are added, scroll to the top of the page and click Publish.
  6. Click on Financing to navigate back to your financing library.

Edit a Manual Financing Plan

  1. Go to Configuration > Account Settings > Financing
  2. Under the Custom Financing Library header, click on the pencil icon to edit a plan.
    1. Change the name, logo, or plan information.
    2. Delete a plan by clicking on the red trashcan
    3. Add a new plan by clicking on the Add home improvement plan button.
    4. Scroll to the top of the page and click on Financing to navigate back to your financing library.
  3. Click on the copy icon to duplicate a plan.
  4. Click on the horizontal dots to delete your financing provider and all associated plans.
  5. Click on the dropdown arrow to show all financing plans for that provider.

👍 Plans are State/Province Specific

A financing option will only be available in a report if the state/province abbreviation in the customer's address is an exact match for the state listed in the financing provider.