Notification Settings

Notifications are emails you receive regarding when a customer opens their quote, clicks on their quote, or if their quote email in undeliverable (bounces).

Only the sales person assigned to a quote  will receive these notifications.

Managing Notification Settings

Changing Admin User Notification Settings

  1. Go to Configuration > Account Settings > Notifications
  2. Use the green toggles to turn the Initial OpenClick, or Bounce options on or off.
    1. Account Notifications - will allow you to control all account-wide notifications, and will affect all users.
    2. My Notifications - will allow you to control notifications to only your account.

Changing Basic User Notification Settings

  1. Hover over your name in the top right corner and click on Account Settings.
  2. Click on Notifications on the left side panel.
  3. Use the green toggles to turn the Initial OpenClick, or Bounce options on or off.